Often, anxiety, depression and anger can be the physical and emotional manifestation of a trauma earlier in life – something which we may not even consciously recognise as influencing our emotional wellbeing. In some cases, this trauma has had such a significant impact on us that our clever subconscious has buried it out of sight. Trauma of any kind unfortunately can lead to PTSD.
PTSD is a very misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mistreated condition. Psychology overcomplicates the neurology, psychology and psycho-physiology of PTSD.
We commonly associate PTSD with war veterans returning from conflict but PTSD is a manifestation of an anxiety disorder in which a definite 'catalyst' is identifiable.
When PTSD sufferers are provided with a clear explanation of the science, it immediately makes sense to them.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/PTSD - Is the name given for a diagnosed Anxiety based condition when a person has undergone an extreme traumatic event or number of events. This has become synonymous as a war specific condition however also widely diagnosed for as result of severe accidents and terrorist incidents. Its symptoms include frequent vivid stressful, frightening memories and flashbacks in re-living the event, insomnia, emotional instability and survivor guilt to name a few. It invariably has a substantial affect on a persons ability to function normally.
We are able to deal with the extreme emotions that drive the memories and flashback, we can't change history, but we can most certainly assist the sufferer in removing the heighten responses, so that life returns to a more normal functioning one for the Client.
PTSD is only unique amongst the disorders in that there is an identifiable catalyst.
Psychology focuses on identification of the catalyst and utilises therapies which address the catalyst repeatedly in a treatment session structure. Sufferers find that temporary reassurance can be gained from discussion but CBT 'talking therapy' style therapeutic devices can and will only serve to perpetuate the condition and the memory of the initial catalyst.
Many clients come to me after having had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), or other types of therapy without success. Some tell me that they found it was helpful for a short while, however their symptoms returned.
Unwanted behaviours or self-limiting beliefs originate in the non-conscious part of the brain – and that’s where we need to target therapy, not just by talking to the conscious mind.
The types of therapy I use, such as BWRT is different because it works with the non-conscious brain and is consistent with current developments in neuroscience.
Utilising these specialist techniques, created to specifically achieve fast recovery means the client sees outstanding results in a very short space of time.